Test any brand of earplugs from anywhere on your work site with the only truly open and cordless fit-testing system on the market.
xact Fit™ by HexArmor® delivers one of the most robust and efficient fit-testing systems on the market – helping you understand exactly how much protection you’re receiving from your Hearing Protection Device, regardless of brand or model.
This innovative portable kit comes with Bluetooth headphones and tablet for a cordless, quick set-up that can be used anywhere, complete with a carrying case.
Pre-installed software and cloud storage on the tablet allow for automatic upload of information and results, easy access to files on multiple devices, and increased security. Fit-testing workers for proper hearing protection has never been so easy.
Real Ear Attenuation at Threshold (REAT) • Can be conducted with any earplug • Total test time of 2 – 5 minutes • Test frequency range: 200 – 800 Hz
How xact Fit™ works
xact Fit™ was created with the user’s experience in mind – as the most portable and easy-to-use system on the market.
Using the Real Ear Attenuation at Threshold (REAT), users undergo a series of tests where they must determine their Hearing Threshold score, both with and without hearing protection.
This is the lowest volume at which a sound can be detected, and it is different for every person.
The difference between the two scores determines their Personal Attenuation Rating (PAR), which represents the amount of protection they are receiving based on how they fit their earplug.
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